Sunday 25 January 2009

Grad Ball

I'm a mere 6 monthes from FINALLY graduating. Obviously the single most important part of this is the graduation ball. I just started thinking about it today. You know, the dress, the hair, the accessories.... I want to get it right. As an engineering student I spend most of my time in less that inspiring clothes I've had a quick Goggle on things to get some inspiration.

Please note; I will be making the dress myself so I need some ideas then I can start making patterns. It is a bit difficult as I will be making mockups of the dress two sizes smaller than I currently am. Enjoy the pics, most are courtesy of Etsy and Asos but there are some stunning Marchesa gowns. I hope they don't mind me using their pics. I'm not sure what my selections say.... maybe I should be going for jewel colours? Or do I want that now but maybe it'll be too dark for Summer? Hmmmm

Sunday 18 January 2009

New Year's Resolutions Update

I posted on this about a month ago and forget to let you know how I'm getting on!

So far, I have found my battery charger for my camera and indeed have a spare one so have been taking lots of pics. Unfortunately I haven't been making enough time to do cool stuff. This needs to be ammended.

I am spending less time on the internet, and spending more time cooking and cleaning and playing Guitar Hero World Tour! (I suck)

Hmmm, the weight issue. I haven't lost anything yet and have major bouts of tears over it. It's my fault due to a lack of willpower and feeling there's other things I should be doing ahead of exercise, like coursework. But, really, what is more important than health and state of mind? I have a Black Tie dinner to go to this week and spent most of yesterday in hysterics about my puddingy figure. However, since the new year, I have been cooking everything from scratch every night and been far more healthy, I need to work on my portion sizes though. I've picked up a cheap exercise DVD for a few quid and having done 30minutes of it I felt way better in myself that I'm taking positive action. I think I may update more on this in my blog, as it's not something I'd talk to people about face to face.

Etsy..... ah I haven't brought myself to list anything. I've decided I want to have 10 unique items that I can list so am currently prototyping and testing some of these. It's going to be a bit of a wacky shop with a mix of things so I'm also trying to find a way to make everything distinguishable (typo?) to me but not limiting me to producing one thing.

I'm shit hot at hoovering and am taking more pride in our home. Big up to my Mam who has managed to be a proper housewife and work from home. It's not easy!

New skills.... I've surpassed myself here! I've learnt to knit and am practising whenever I get a chance (car journeys into University, generally) and have taken up crochet too, on a similar basis.

The downside of all this is my days are now much longer and I get less sleep, but I hope I'll soon have a better routine and everything will become more habitual.

Enjoy your Sunday

J xx

Friday 16 January 2009

Things I've Made This Week

A risotto with chorizo, bacon and turkey.

Soap! Using the cold process method, this was after 24hours when I cut it all up into chunks to be cured for another 3 weeks. It's a warm vanilla scent and I can't wait to try it.

Chicken caserole. It was a chilly day so needed some major warming, comfort food. I made too much though.

Tablet, a Scottish delicacy made primarily from sugar. It's like a sort of crumbly fudge and will be in my Etsy shop soon I hope.

Salmon, rice and rocket in a filo parcel. The photo is rubbish but this tasted incredible!

Finally, I didn't make this but saw it in the latest issue of Instyle Magazine (with Isla Fisher on the front). It's a Missoni bag but I can't find anything about it online, has anyone seen before?

Much love,

J xx

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Janey's Credit Crunch Tomato Soup

Incase you hadn't heard, we're in the midst of a Credit Crunch. But before resorting to the Tesco Value Pot Noodle, have a go making some of my yummy soup! It made 6 servings and was great from my Thermos at lunch time. Oh yea, keeping it old school. The pic is from the last serving so it's thickened up quite a lot but I promise it matches in taste to any equivalent you will find!

I also added some spaghetti to bulk it out a bit, but it works fine without. So, here's the recipe...

  • two cans of chopped tomatoes
  • one clove of garlic
  • 1tbsp of oil
  • half an onion
  • 900ml chicken/vegetable stock
  • 1tbsp tomato puree or to taste
  • handful of spinach
  • about 10/15 bits of spaghetti
  • salt and pepper and parsley

To make, crush the garlic and chop the onion, nice and fine. Heat the oil in a big pan and soften the onion and garlic. Add the tomatoes, mushing down any bigger bits and leave to soften for a few minutes. Add in the stock, bring to the boil and simmer, stirring it all in well. Add the tomato puree if you feel necessary. leave to cook for about 5 minutes. Add in the spaghetti, broken into smallish bits and cook for aslong as it needs from pack instructions. At last minute add chopped spinach and seasoning.

According to my shopping bill, it cost about £1.10 to make this batch so pretty good value and way more tasty than Heinz's stuff. If you take out the spaghetti it's also really low on calories.

Ciao for now peeps,

J xx

Sunday 4 January 2009

Today I'd Like To Be Wearing.....

... courtesy of Topshop sales, and the bag at normal price...

But instead, I'm wearing a hot pair of Miss Selfridge jeans that are nearly a year old, my skanky Puma Speed Cats and a plain black t-shirt. I feel like such a boy. Sorry the picture quality is so low.

Happy New Year everyone!! J xx