Sunday 1 March 2009


I forgot to mention that I will be celebrating a slightly delayed lent. I am not a religious person but I like the idea of thinking more about what we have, and can live without.

For me, I should live without junk food. It is not necessary. But more important, I think we could all do with being pushed a bit farther to improve ourselves. For me this involves going out running, not letting a bad word come out of my lips and trying to be a better person (cue My Name is Earl music). I WILL blog everyday, even just to say Hello!

I put my Tint on Etsy last night which I'm excited about, and had my first sale of Tablet which will be on its way to California soon.

For March, I will be starting up a promotion each month. This month I will be aiming at getting more traffic on my page and blog and hopefully more feedback from the people. So everyone who leaves a comment on my blog or my Etsy page will be entered into a draw at the end of March for a selection of goodies from my site; a sample of Tablet, a chunk of one of my current soaps (all the new ones will be ready by then) and little fabric purse which will be coming to my shop soon. So, if you have something to tell me just throw me a comment and you'll be added to the list! Winners will be notified at the end of March so I can get your shipping address and send you a little bit of what The Fabric Kitchen is about!

It's a lush day here so I'm off out to Windsor for a jog :o)

J xx

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