Firstly, sorry for being a bit miserable before. The good news is I finished the aforementioned assignment and have had an evening in peace. Profiteroles for dessert did help.
So I've been thinking about Christmas coming up and the various pressies I'll be purchasing for family members. I only have to buy four main presents but I'm going for a bit of a theme this year. Everyone will be recieving either something to do/make or something I've made or thrifted for them.
First on the list is my Mam. She's mid-forties and has spent most of her life bringing up her kids and working as a tailor from home when said children allowed. Her standard day consists of getting up at 6.30am with my Dad, breakfast, then cleans the house and does the hoovering before starting work at 9am. Twenty minutes for lunch, a mid afternoon cup of tea and she begins to prepare supper at 4pm so it is ready on the table when Dad comes in at 5.30. She will work for a further two hours in the evening.
This has been her routine since forever so she has little time for niceties of even much time to relax. So, for Mam, I purchased a gorgeous pattern for a new apron from a site I found through Etsy.

I was delighted when this beautiful package arrived through my letterbox today. My photo doesn't quite do it justice so please have a look at
I really need to find my battery charger for my camera battery. It's not a standard issue so I can't just plug in some AA's. Ho hum.
So, next on my list was to buy suitable fabric. The apron is fully reversible so I wanted two, cute fabrics that could be brought together by one coordinating fabric for the ties. Have a look at my purchases below! Hopefully this will be a nice little something she can use daily and put a smile on her face.
Personally, I love the cute spotty fabric and am hoping I will have enough leftover for something else. But this is my start at pressies.
On a slightly random note, I've just found my favourite lipstick that I had lost whilst moving flat recently. When I say favourite, I mean only. I generally hate lipsticks as they feel yucky but I stumbled upon MAC's last year whilst shopping for a new eye colour and fell in love. I have the shade Faux, which is pretty close to my actual lip colour but more so and is great for every day use. I'll try and get a decent pic tomorrow of a "before and after".

Anyway, I think that's long enough for just now. Speak soon!
J xx